How to Register
We're thrilled that you and your guests are planning to join us for Alumni & Families Weekend from October 18 - October 20, 2024! To help make your registration as easy and fast as possible, we’re providing this helpful, step-by-step guide below. Please follow along carefully. We look forward to seeing you this fall! For additional information, please visit the FAQ page.
Register for Alumni & Families Weekend
STEP 1: Plan Ahead Before You Register
Before you start the registration process, it helps to plan ahead. You can register yourself as well as any additional guests in your party. Only one person from each party should register the group. Be sure to review the schedule of events and confer with your family and/or guests about which events you wish to attend. This will help to make your registration process much smoother.
STEP 2: Find Your Name and Sign Up
Once you begin the registration process, many members of the GW community will see their names have been pre-loaded into the registration portal. If you see many similar names or don’t find your name, that’s perfectly fine. Just click the “I do not appear to be listed” button and proceed to enter your information.
Once you're done entering your own information, you can then add the information for the other guests in your party. Be sure to include a valid email address for each guest so that they receive a confirmation email with their check-in details. If any of your guests are affiliated with GW, their name may also appear and can be selected to be part of your group.
STEP 3: Choose Your Events
Once you've finished entering the information for you and your guests, it’s time to choose which Alumni & Families Weekend events to attend. You will see multiple event package groups to choose from.
Registration Packages
General Registration Package
This package will be the best fit for most community members, including GW families and non-reunion-year alumni. This package offers a build-your-own weekend experience through which you can select the events of your choosing.
Class Reunion Packages
These packages are exclusively for GW alumni celebrating their milestone undergraduate 10-year, 15-year, 20-year and 25-year reunions.
- Class of 1999 25-year Reunion Packages
- Class of 2004 20-year Reunion Packages
- Class of 2009 15-year Reunion Packages
- Class of 2014 10-year Reunion Packages
Within the above Class Reunion Packages, registrants will have two options:
- Reunion Party Bundle + Choose Your Own Events
Select this package to receive a $10 discount when you register for both your Class Reunion Party and the All-Alumni Party. You can add any additional weekend events to this package.
- Reunion + Choose Your Own Events
The build-your-own weekend experience! Register for your Class Reunion Party and select the events of your choosing offered at various ticket prices. Select this package if you plan to attend only your Class Reunion Party during Alumni & Families Weekend.
- Reunion Party Bundle + Choose Your Own Events
Once you select your desired package group, you can then register for the events you and your guests wish to attend during the weekend. If all guests are attending the same events together, there is an option to copy the primary registrant’s selections.
STEP 4: Review and Confirm
Your final step is to review and confirm the information for you and your guests and the selected events. You may click back to a previous step to make edits if desired. Once you click "Continue", you and your guests will each receive a confirmation email. If you wish to change part of your event registration at a later date, click on the personalized link provided in your confirmation email.